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Zovko, Marie-Élise (2014) Impassioned by Passion: Knowledge and Love in Plato and Spinoza. Dionysius, XXXII. pp. 140-172. ISSN 07051085
Zovko, Marie-Élise (2013) Involved in Humankind. Nature, Virtue, and the Good We Desire for Ourselves and for Others. Knowledge Cultures, 1 (2). pp. 263-300. ISSN 2327-5731
Zovko, Marie-Élise (2013) Involved in Humankind. Nature, Virtue, and the Good We Desire for Ourselves and for Others. Knowledge cultures, 1 (2). pp. 264-300. ISSN 2327-5731
Zovko, Marie-Élise (2010) Der systematische Zusammenhang der Philosophie in Kants Kritik der Urteilskraft. "Zweite Aufmerksamkeit" und Analogie der ästhetischen und teleologischen Urteilskraft. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 58 (4). pp. 629-645. ISSN 0012-1045
Zovko, Marie-Élise (2004) Die Analogie des Lebens und der Erkenntnis : Franz von Baader und das neue Denken der Naturwissenschaft. Aufgang : Jahrbuch für Denken, Dichten, Musik. pp. 101-129.
Zovko, Marie-Élise (2002) Plato's Heracliteanism Reconsidered. Dionysius, 20. pp. 23-50.
Zovko, Marie-Élise (1999) Die Spätphilosophie Schellings und die Kehre im Denken Martin Heideggers. Jahrbuch für Philosophie des Forschungsinstituts für Philosophie Hannover, 10. pp. 135-173. ISSN 1022-3274
Zovko, Marie-Élise (1998) The Open-Ended Universe: Liberating Time. Studia hermeneutica, 4. pp. 133-169.
Zovko, Marie-Élise (2017) Humanism vs. competency: Traditional and contemporary models of education. In: Educational Philosophy and Theory. Taylor & Francis, Routledge, London, UK, pp. 1-11.
Zovko, Marie-Élise (2017) Worldly and Otherworldly Virtue: Likeness to God as Educational Ideal in Plato, Plotinus and Today. In: Educational Philosophy and Theory. Taylor & Francis, Routledge.
Zovko, Marie-Élise (2017) Understanding the Geometric Method: Prolegomena to a Study of Procline Influences in Spinoza as Mediated through Abraham Cohen Herrera. In: Proclus and his Legacy. De Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 391-414. ISBN 978-3-11-047162-5
Zovko, Marie-Élise (2013) Impassioned by Passion: Knowledge and Eros in Plato and Spinoza. In: The International Plato Society X Symposium Platonicum: The Symposium. The International Plato Society, Università di Pisa Dipartimento di Filologia, Letteratura e Linguistica, Pisa, Italija, pp. 106-122.
Zovko, Marie-Élise and Zovko, Jure (2012) The Metaphysical Character of Philosophy. In: Metaphysics. InTech, Rijeka, pp. 9-44. ISBN 978-953-51-0646-3
Zovko, Marie-Élise (2012) Naturalism and Intellectualism in Plato and Spinoza. In: Freiheit und Determinismus. Wehrhahn, Hannover, pp. 11-62.
Zovko, Marie-Élise (2011) Bologna and Beyond: A Critical Reflection on the Ends and Means of the Bologna Process. In: Fortschritt? Studia Philosophica Iaderensia. Wehrhahn Verlag, Hannover, pp. 195-232.
Zovko, Marie-Élise (2008) The Way Up and the Way Back are the Same: Plato’ s Analogies of the Sun, the Line and the Cave and the Path Intelligence Takes. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium Platonism and Forms of Intelligence. Akademie Verlag, Berlin, pp. 313-341. ISBN 978-3-05-004507-8
Zovko, Marie-Élise (2001) Hegel und die Grenzen der Dialektik,. In: Phänomenologie des Geistes. Akademie Verlag, Berlin, pp. 54-61.
Zovko, Marie-Élise (1996) Religious Ontology and Ontology of Religion in the Later Philosophy of F.W.J. Schelling and Fr. v. Baader. In: Archivio di filosofia : proceedings of the International Enrico-Castelli colloquiumRoma. University of Rome, pp. 683-699.